Monday, July 16, 2012

Burbank Rock Group Daybreak Ends Releases New Full-Length Album “A Second Chance to Fail”

Daybreak Ends, a metalcore rock group from Burbank, CA, has released their first LP since 2010's “The Self Unseen.”

From Burbank, CA, comes the third major release from the vitriolic four-piece metalcore band known as Daybreak Ends, an explosive collection of tracks they've dubbed “A Second Chance to Fail.” The title is at least ironic, if not outright sarcastic, as the album itself is a bulls-eye and a bombshell, a soaring success the likes of which record producers dream. With this, their most-recent release since 2010, Daybreak carves solidly their name into the annals of the absolute best alternative rock bands in the last decade.

The first impression of Daybreak Ends is reminiscent of San Diego's As I Lay Dying or the East-Bay Hardcore band-gone-emo, AFI, but upon closer inspection, their roots are far more widespread. Vocals range from At-the-Drive-In-style belting to straight-laced Def Leppard singing, and even the occasional David Bowie croon. Background vocals occasionally fly away into flawless, creepy three-part harmonies à la Bad Religion. Guitars switch effortlessly from the chugga-chugga of traditional grindcore into classic bar chords, then transition into TSOL punk rock tones, and again into grunge-era bends the likes of which Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains has been long known – and don't miss the guitarist's U2 moment near the closing crescendo of “Aperture.”

Daybreak's percussion is a laser-guided carpet-bombing, a machine gun spraying the crowd in the purest staccatos like those which Napalm Death once terrified audiences. He chops wood when he wants groove, he fills large spaces with a single strike to the top of his ride cymbal. He attacks with double-kicks and snare fills that rap on the skull like a low ceiling fan. It's much to the rest of the band's credit that they manage to keep him from stealing the show – at least, not all the time. If anyone's responsible for keeping this man in line, it's the bassist, whose surgical walks up and down the neck are pristine, but never too flashy, always tasteful and with the occasional dash of funk.

Music fans have had it hard the last few years, particularly in the genres of punk rock, metalcore, and related areas, but albums like “A Second Chance to Fail” by Daybreak Ends fill one's ears with the old intensity, adrenaline, and also the faith that rock and roll will never die, that the record industry moguls can never successfully destroy what Chuck Berry started and Metallica polished. Fans of AFI, As I Lay Dying, and the like have a duty to themselves to check out this record, and everyone else should at least put down the Ke$ha long enough to let Daybreak kick hell out of them for a track or two. There's something excellently wrong with this fantastically destructive, potentially incinerating record by some fine young lads not from Liverpool.

The LP “A Second Chance to Fail” is distributed globally by MondoTunes ( and is available at iTunes for convenient purchase and download

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Josh (818) 274-4851

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